Emotional Intelligence Training is created for companies and built as an immersive experience using games, coaching tools, and hands-on activities during group training and individual One-on-One coaching hours, exploring the five pillars of Emotional Intelligence: Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills. This training is created using the most innovative leadership games used by companies like Netflix, Apple, Microsoft, PwC, and many others.
Training details:
When: On Request
Duration: 3 Days
Where: Live virtual / In the Client Company Offices
Maximum number of participants in a group: 12 people
The training will focus on the inner self’s emotional skills and how you interact with others:
✅Self-Awareness: How Do You See Yourself?
✅Self-Regulation: How Are You Coping?
✅Motivation: What’s Guiding You?
✅Social responsibility
✅Interpersonal relationships
✅Active listening
✅Communication types
This is the ability to recognize and understand one’s moods, motivations, and skills. Also understanding the effects they have on others. To achieve complete self-awareness, an individual must be able to monitor their emotional state and identify their emotions. Traits that prove an individual is emotionally mature include: confidence, the ability to laugh at one’s self and their mistakes, and the awareness of how others perceive you.
Example: By reading someone else’s reaction, you know how they perceive you.
This is the ability to control one’s impulses, the ability to think before you speak/react, and the ability to express yourself appropriately. Goleman defines emotional maturity in this component as taking responsibility for your actions, adapting to change, and responding appropriately to other people’s irrational emotions or behavior.
Example: If someone is screaming at you, you know they are not always angry. You can understand they may be mad at a particular situation and feel they must take it out on someone. You do not take this personally or react angry back.
This is having an interest in learning and self-improvement. It has the strength to keep going when life has obstacles. It is setting goals and following through with them. Goleman would define an emotionally mature individual in this category as having initiative, the commitment to complete a task, and perseverance in the face of adversity.
Example: One who chooses internal motivation-driven goals instead of external motivation-driven goals. Internal motivation-driven goals are things such as earning a college degree or becoming a healthier person, something that show self-improvement. External motivation-driven goals are things that flaunt wealth or status. This is setting goals such as having the next newest and nicest car.
Example: If a student fails a class, they see this as an opportunity to learn and retake the class without self-doubt. They do not let failure get in the way of their goal.
This is the ability to understand other people’s emotions and reactions. Empathy can only be achieved if self-awareness is achieved. Goleman believes that one must be able to understand themselves before they can understand others. Emotional maturity in this category includes people having traits such as perception of others, being interested in other people’s worries and concerns, the ability to anticipate someone’s emotional response to a problem or situation, and understanding society’s norms and why people act the way they do.
Example: Understanding and coping with someone else’s hardships or sadness. When you fully understand yourself and why you feel the things you feel, you can understand other people, even if they are different.
Social Skills
This is the ability to pick up on jokes, sarcasm, and customer service, maintain friendships and relationships, and find common ground with others. Goleman states that emotional maturity in this component defines someone with good communication skills, good time management, the ability to be a leader or manage a group of people, and the ability to resolve difficult situations or conflicts using negotiation or persuasion.
Example: Someone in a “boss” position usually has a good grasp on handling all different types of personalities. If two of their employees are having a conflict, they can find common ground and resolve the issue civilized and fairly.
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